Thursday, September 04, 2008


I'm really enjoying today. I had the day off, and although it is 103 degrees outside, I'm enjoying me time. I got a chance to read a few of my favorite bloggers and see what they've been up to since Provo {ehem, Erin, Lori}. Maybe I'll be able to break out my camera today and take a few photos, after I go to a couple of craft supply stores ;)
I had a chance to put away most of my goodies from the sb'ing stores, now I only need to finish all of those projects.
I have a number of projects that I would like to accomplish, most having to do with the house. I want to finish decorating, organizing and cleaning etc. We have lived in our house for almost 9 years and we still have bare walls downstairs. We painted, but we only have a few pictures up. A few weeks ago, I picked up a couple of books ("Photos Style Recipes" & "Photocraft" ) and I am now inspired and a little anxious to get a little creative. Both of these books are packed with wonderful ideas and I highly recommend them.